about blog.web10.app

the web10 blog is a place where the web10 team shares the following kinds of ideas :

  1. where we think the internet should be going.
  2. what we think is being done right on the internet, currently awesome software powering the web.
  3. where we are going with our internet software.
  4. what we think is going on the world worth mentioning, whether it is something we think we could borrow from aesthetically or functionally.

our organizational mission :

the web10 team is committed to solving the current day freedom problems with our internet experience slowly, and correctly. correctness is most important in solving the freedom issues on the internet, more so than moving fast. there are millions of companies moving fast, and people still struggle to maintain ownership over their data on the internet.

why the blog?

since we are focused on correctness, more importantly than moving fast, it is important to build weekly patterns of safety, building a humanitarian weekly dialogue on the internet, to make sure we are going in the impactful direction with our technology.

as a new web10 blog user, we welcome open dialogue / commentary on our blog, whether it is disagreement, agreement, or even just non sequitur commentary.