learning from wordpress.

web10 has a lot of similarities to wordpress

  • its open source (server side public, but very similar.)
  • it lets you make web applications.
  • it lets you self host.

because web10 and wordpress are so similar, i look at wordpress to learn from what it does very well, specifically their design philosophy.

The wordpress philosophy from their website.

the wordpress philosophy resulted in actual features of the platform, the three below features being the ones that believe are most important to its widespread adoption.

  • wordpress lets you host in 5 lines of code (with docker-compose)
  • wordpress has a UI to configure it on first time usage.
  • wordpress has an admin panel to configure it in the future.


how does this fit into web10?

being able to host in 5 lines of code is really important, people need to easily be able to see that your project is open source. the web10 project is being refactored to fit into a single docker image so that it is just as easy as wordpress to deploy.

after i finish that, i will make a UI for first time configuring and future configuration of web10 too!

star web10 on github

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