
“as it was”

the objective of web10 is to make the internet fun for me again. it has been a long time since i have had really good fun on the internet.

as a 97 baby i have nostalgia being a 13 year old in 2010 poking people on facebook, watching ray william johnson =3, when the internet was run by the people for the people before investor pressure changed it.

“i got money on my mind”

2024 is an economically harder time, it is harder to buy a house, the cost of groceries is higher, the world is moving into a simple algorithm of “every week, save money? or make money?”

web10 is currently borrowing half of the sentiment, i.e. the “every week save money” part. in the new upcoming release of web10 (1.0.9), there is a non cloud personal server setup deployment strategy that anyone will be able to host on a personal server.

web10 inc. will be using the strategy. in other words the web10 inc. deployment is coming off both google cloud, and mongodb atlas.

web10 inc’s. server setup

web10 version 1.0.9 (coming feb. 17th) makes the platform more configurable, even with an option to store configuration settings on infisical.

adding configurability, doing what i call ghetto ops, (dev ops on practically zero budget) is not my favorite part of working on web10, but is so satisfying.

  • it feels great that other people that want to host their own web10 server on practically no budget can do it with 1.0.9.
  • also, falling to sleep to the sound of my server rack buzzing feels really great mentally, spiritually. 🙂
my low budget deployment of web10 on my server rack using docker-compose only.

i am excited that my work in low cost deployment for web10 is coming to an end. i am excited to get back to work on the legitimate features of web10.

sonta – money on my mind

star web10 on github

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